Milk Procurement

~ Tamil Milk ~

Milk Procurement


GK Dairy Tamil milk procures fresh milk directly from the farmers. To facilitate it in this process Tamil milk has established collection centres for every 4 to 5 villages. These collection centres are managed by Gk company for testing the milks collected from farmers (Tamil milk Collection Centre). At the TCCs, every farmer’s milk is tested for its FAT and SNF (Solids – Non – Fat). Based on the quality, per-litre price of milk is determined and intimated to the farmers with the help of a price chart. Based on the quality and the number of litres poured by the farmer, their total amount is calculated. This process is done for each and every farmer who pours milk at the TCC. the collected milk is stored in the stainless steel (SS) can and transported within two hours of deposit. The collected milk is loaded onto the trucks on the time fixed for picking up the cans at the TCC. GK dairy has close to 30 vehicles for collecting milk from all the allotted TCC’s.

Once all the farmers have poured their milk, it is collected in SS cans to the nearby chilling centers called Bulk Milk Chilling centers. At the BMC, the milk is tested again for more parameters like Acidity, pH, Temperature and odor.. Once the milk is tested organoleptically, it is weighed. Samples are taken for more detailed tests and pumped to the chilling unit. The procured milk is maintained at a temperature of 6 degrees and stored in double coated stainless steel cans to avoid contamination.  

The stored milk is then loaded and transferred to the main dairy unit via RMT (Road Milk Tanker – for maintaining the temperature of milk to 6 degree Celsius) as these tankers have Puffed stainless steel cover. At the main dairy unit the milk is put through more tests before taking it up for further processing. Based on the processing, raw milk is made into toned milk, full cream and milk standardized milk based on its fat content.

In order to get adequate quantity and quality of milk. GK dairy undertakes a series of measures to help the farmers. Some of them are


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